Suntribe's Empire
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Our Basenjis
AmCh SweCh Khani's Three's Company "Lizzy"
Suntribe's Soul of Wild Cards "Gwen"
Suntribe's Khani Tuff Stuff "Lennox"
AmCh GCh SweCh FinCh NorCh NordicCh LtCh C.I.B Ch Khani's Man In The Mirror SC "Michael"
SweCh LTCh FinCh Sundevil's Howlingfjord "Fjord"
Suntribe's Striped Suburbia "Tigra"
SweCh Suntribe's Sparkling Supernova "Pantra"
Previous litters
No 10 - Khani Tuff
Suntribe's Khani Lovin Stuff "Elsa"
Suntribe's Khani Tuff Enuff "Falcon"
No 9 - The Soulmates
Am Ch Swe Ch Khani's Three's Company
Suntribe's Striped Suburbia
Suntribe's Soul Of Wild Cards
Am Ch, Grand Ch, Swe Ch, Fin Ch Khani´s Man In The Mirror SC
Suntribe's Khani Tuff Stuff
Suntribe's Khani Lovin Stuff
Suntribe's Khani Tuff Enuff
Swe Ch Lit Ch Fin Ch Sundevil's Howlingfjord
Swe Ch Suntribe's Sparkling Supernova